Community Awareness Forum on the Opioid Epidemic


On Monday, April 11, 2016 at Shrewsbury High School, an important community awareness forum was convened by the Shrewsbury Coalition for Addiction Prevention and Education (SCAPE), District Attorney Joseph Early’s Central MA Opioid Task Force, Senator Mike Moore and Representative Hannah Kane.

The panel was moderated by Shrewsbury High School Principal (and member of SCAPE) Todd Byzydlo, and included District Attorney Joseph D. Early, Jr., Charles Faris, President/CEO of Spectrum Health Systems, Lt. James Lonchiadis of the Shrewsbury Police Department, Cassandra Andersen from Dept. of Public Health, a parent of a recovering addict and a person in recovery, as well as Senator Mike Moore and Representative Hannah Kane.  Resources tables were also available before the panel discussion. 

Many of us have lost a friend, neighbor or family member to addiction, or know someone impacted by its destructive force. As a legislator, and as a parent, I recognize that we cannot succeed at repelling this epidemic and reducing the risk to our families until we confront the realities of this challenge and take full advantage of the available resources. None of our children are immune from addiction issues or the potentially life-threatening consequences, which is why this event was so important.
— Senator MikeMoore

The Shrewsbury Coalition for Addiction Prevention and Education (SCAPE) is comprised of a wide representation of the community joining forces to help reduce substance abuse and its consequences and impact among youth and adults in Shrewsbury.  The Coalition consists of representation from youth, parents, business, law enforcement, school and public service officials, community leaders, health care professionals, faith-based organizations, media, state and local government agencies, social service providers and other community representatives working collaboratively to identify and implement community-wide strategies to address issues concerning addiction prevention and education.

Watch the Panel Discussion: