Legislature Passes Bill to Increase Commonwealth’s Competitiveness for Federal Funds

(BOSTON 9/24/2024) — Last week, the Massachusetts Legislature passed a bill that will allow the Commonwealth to more effectively compete for federal funding that could be invested in transformative projects related to transportation, housing, climate, economic development, and technology.

S.2954, An Act to provide for competitiveness and infrastructure investment in Massachusetts, takes advantage of the interest accrued from the Commonwealth’s Stabilization Fund and leverages that interest to ensure the state receives the maximum possible share of federal funds. The Commonwealth’s Stabilization Fund has an all-time high balance of over $8 billion. It is currently estimated that Massachusetts could receive up to $17.5 billion through historic, once-in-a-generation federal funding opportunities.

“Using the interest accrued by the Commonwealth’s rainy day fund to invest in our communities is a smart use of tax dollars, made even smarter when those funds can unlock massive federal grants for projects across the Bay State,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “Making Massachusetts more competitive is critical to ensuring we continue to attract game-changing companies and innovators to our state. I am thrilled to have voted to approve this measure, and I’d like to thank my colleagues in the Legislature and Governor Maura Healey for their leadership in unlocking more funds for the people of Massachusetts in a fiscally responsible way.”

The initiative requires the Comptroller to transfer interest from the Stabilization Fund to the Commonwealth Federal Matching and Debt Reduction Fund on a quarterly basis if the stabilization balance reaches certain benchmarks. The Secretary of Administration and Finance (A&F) would then pursue federal funding opportunities available due to the availability of federal funds for infrastructure, resiliency and economic development projects.

At its current level, the Stabilization Fund is anticipated to accumulate approximately $250 million in interest annually. Currently, that interest is deposited directly back into the fund. Once signed into law, this bill will require the Comptroller to transfer interest from the Stabilization Fund to the Commonwealth Federal Matching and Debt Reduction Fund when amounts exceed 10% of budgeted revenues of the previous fiscal year; and the balance of the fund has not decreased in the previous year. When a diversion does occur, the interest will be used for two key purposes, including matching funds for federal grants, during this unique opportunity of Federal investments; and long-term debt management strategies.

Over the coming years, this bill is expected to unlock more than $800 million in funds that will be used to fund the state or municipal match requirement for federal competitive grant opportunities, as well as planning work that will help municipalities with the process of preparing applications for federal grants. Once federal grant opportunities expire, money in this fund will go toward reducing the Commonwealth’s long-term liabilities.

Through three pieces of federal legislation – the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) Act – over $2 trillion in spending is being made available to states through competitive grant programs and formula allocations. With this bill, the Commonwealth will be maximizing its position to capitalize on these substantial federal funding opportunities. 

Having been passed by both chambers, the bill now goes to the Governor for her signature. 


Worcester Senators Request Independent Investigator for State Police Academy Death

(BOSTON 9/20/2024) – Yesterday, the three Massachusetts State Senators representing the City of Worcester sent a letter to Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell requesting the appointment of a conflict-of-interest Special Assistant Attorney General (“Conflict SAAG”) to investigate the circumstances around the tragic death of Worcester resident Enrique Delgado-Garcia during a training exercise at the Massachusetts State Police Academy in New Braintree. Delgado-Garcia was reportedly injured in a boxing ring during an exercise on Thursday, September 12th and died at UMass Memorial Medical Center the following day.

Prior to his death, Delgado-Garcia stated that he was subject to hazing and harassment while training at the State Police Academy, according to media reports. Although a State Police spokesman denies this, a former classmate alleges targeted hazing and harassment as well. “This demands a comprehensive and independent investigation – and only a fully empowered Conflict SAAG can deliver that investigation,” the letter, signed by Senators Michael Moore, Robyn Kennedy, and Peter Durant, states.

“The death of State Police trainee Enrique Delgado-Garcia is heartbreaking. This tragedy deserves a full independent investigation by a conflict-of-interest Special Assistant Attorney General, especially in light of revelations that Enrique reported hazing and harassment by fellow classmates and instructors,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “Hazing should never be tolerated, especially if targeted on the basis of race or ethnicity – doubly so from an agency that holds itself up as the Commonwealth’s chief law enforcement authority. If the allegations of targeted harassment are true, something must be done to fix the broken culture within the Academy to ensure this never happens again. We owe it to Enrique, to his family, and to all future recruits of the Academy to make sure a thorough investigation by an independent party is completed.”

“Enrique Delgado-Garcia and his family deserve a comprehensive and transparent review of the circumstances that led to his tragic death. This is not just about understanding what happened during the training exercise, but ensuring that the training at the Massachusetts State Police Academy is both safe and equitable for all recruits,” said Senator Robyn Kennedy (D-Worcester). “A full and independent investigation is the only way to ensure accountability and justice. Rigorous training is essential, but it should never come at the expense of an individual’s dignity, safety, or life. We must do everything we can to prevent future tragedies and create an environment of fairness and respect. Enrique’s family, and all future recruits, deserve no less."

The letter, beyond requesting the appointment of a Conflict SAAG, urges that the investigator be given the authority to issue and enforce compulsory legal processes to obtain documents and testimony, as well as be given the power to prosecute potential state crimes and coordinate with federal officials, if necessary. Further, the letter requests that the Conflict SAAG be required to issue a public report with their findings, as well as recommendations for changes to policy, practices, and culture at the State Police, including any changes to state laws or regulations.

Although details around the circumstances that led to his death remain unclear, media reports indicate that Delgado-Garcia sustained severe injuries during a training exercise that took place in a boxing ring on September 12th. After being rushed to UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, he was administered the oath of office before he passed on September 13th. It is unconfirmed what injuries Delgado-Garcia sustained, though an autopsy was reportedly completed. The State Police Academy’s boxing program was suspended and subsequently reintroduced in the 1990s in response to injuries.

Enrique Delgado-Garcia graduated from Worcester’s North High School in 2017. Following his graduation, he became a victim-witness advocate for Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr.’s office before leaving to join the Massachusetts State Police.

Because of his connection to District Attorney Early’s office, the authority who would typically investigate an incident like this, the DA declined to handle the investigation, citing the potential conflict of interest.

“We acknowledge that an independent investigation into the Commonwealth’s State Police is a major development, but the recent history of the State Police, other allegations of harassment at the State Police Academy and this incident warrant this response,” the Senators write.

The full letter is available online here.


Letter: Worcester Senators Request Special Investigation into State Police Academy Death

Dear Attorney General Campbell:

We write to request the appointment of a conflict-of-interest Special Assistant Attorney General (“Conflict SAAG”) to investigate the circumstances around the tragic death of Worcester resident Enrique Delgado-Garcia. According to media reports, Enrique stated that he was subject to hazing and harassment at the State Police Academy. This demands a comprehensive and independent investigation – and only a fully empowered Conflict SAAG can deliver that investigation. This incident is the latest in long series of issues for the State Police. We strongly encourage you to empower the Conflict SAAG to investigate not only this situation but also to investigate any additional matters that may arise directly from their investigation.

In addition, the Conflict SAAG should be authorized to issue and enforce compulsory legal process for documents and testimony and prosecute state crimes arising from their investigation. Moreover, the Conflict SAAG should be authorized to refer matters to, and coordinate with, federal officials.

Finally, the Conflict SAAG should be required to issue a public report at the conclusion of their investigation along with any recommendations for changes to policies, procedures, practices and culture at the State Police, including any changes to state law or regulations.

We acknowledge that an independent investigation into the Commonwealth’s State Police is a major development, but the recent history of the State Police, other allegations of harassment at the State Police Academy and this incident warrant this response.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.


Senator Michael O. Moore, Second Worcester District

Senator Robyn K. Kennedy, First Worcester District

Senator Peter J. Durant, Worcester and Hampshire District

Letter: Worcester Leaders Question Transfer of Worcester Juvenile Court Judge

Dear Chief Justice Gershengorn:

It has come to our attention that Judge Julie A. Lowre, after two years sitting on the Worcester Juvenile Court, has been transferred to Plymouth Juvenile Court. This transfer once again leaves the Worcester Juvenile Court, amongst the busiest in the Commonwealth, with five judges – a number that has proven over the past decade to be inadequate for the handling of time-sensitive youth cases in the communities we represent. We are struggling to understand the reasoning behind this transfer given Senator Moore’s five-plus year push to add a sixth judge to help deal with the large number of cases the Court faces.

While we understand that the Plymouth Juvenile Court is in need of judges, we are requesting clarification as to why and how Worcester was selected to have one of our critically needed judges transferred away. It has been just over six months since a sixth judge was confirmed to the Worcester Juvenile Court – a position that we’d like to reemphasize was created in 2018 via legislative action but not filled for six years – and this action returns us to a number of judges that has proven inadequate for the people of Worcester County. Children and families who have cases pending before the Court will now once again be told that they will face further delays.

During Senate budget debate for the FY19 budget, in response to calls from families, advocates, former judges, and city officials, Senator Moore worked with Senators Anne Gobi and Barbara L’Italien to introduce an amendment to the budget that would create a new judgeship on the Worcester Juvenile Court.[1] The legislature’s intent could not be more clear as the adopted amendment was titled “Worcester County Juvenile Court.”[2] The FY19 budget also correspondingly increased the legislative cap for the total number of trial court justices.[3] This action was meant to alleviate the stress our court faced due to the extreme number of cases before it. After these changes were signed into law as part of the FY19 budget, 21 state legislators wrote to Governor Baker stressing the need to fully empower the Worcester County Juvenile Court.[4] It took six years to fill this judgeship, and this transfer returns us to an inadequate status quo with no plan of action to fix it and no information from the Judiciary on if and when the decision will be reversed.

Statewide statistics show that the Worcester Juvenile Court is one of the busiest in Massachusetts when it comes to cases related to abuse and neglect. These are matters we take very seriously, especially in the shadow of the mishandling of the Harmony Montgomery case. If children in our community are being removed from their homes, they are owed a timely hearing before a judge to determine whether they will be best served by being returned to their homes or being placed with guardians. This process, which often takes years, leaves lasting trauma and negatively affects the development of these children during the most formative years of their lives.

We do not find it acceptable to extend the timeline of the resolution of these cases for individuals in my community. We also do not find it acceptable for the Court to decline to explain its decision.

We write to you to request a formal explanation of the decision-making process behind the transfer of Judge Lowre to the Plymouth Juvenile Court, including information about why Worcester was selected, whether other larger county juvenile courts were considered, and whether this move is permanent. We are also requesting that Judge Lowre be immediately transferred back to the Worcester Juvenile Court and would like a timeline on when this restoration will occur. In the meantime, we are requesting an explanation on what the Court is doing to alleviate the stress this puts on the children and families with cases currently before it. We understand that the Governor is responsible for filing judicial vacancies, but if the Judiciary is going to transfer appointed judges to other courts, it has a responsibility in this situation as well. The action you have taken has undermined years of legislative effort to increase the capacity of the Worcester County Juvenile Court; the least the Judiciary can do is provide the legislature with an explanation.

The futures of children in the communities we represent are literally on the line. We hope you will take this matter as seriously as we do.


Senator Michael O. Moore, Second Worcester District

Councillor Paul M. DePalo, Governor’s Council District 7

[1] See St. 2018, c. 154, § 51 (Amending Section 58 of Chapter 218 of the General Laws by increasing the number of associate justices of the trial court for the juvenile court department to 5, up from 4.)

[2] See Amendment 999 to the FY19 Senate budget, https://malegislature.gov/Budget/FY2019/SenateDebate/Amendments/Worcester%20County%20Juvenile%20Court

[3] Id at. § 47 (Amending Section 1 of Chapter 211B of the General Laws by increasing the number of authorized trial court justices to 384, up from 383).

[4] See Letter to Governor Baker regarding the Situation in the Worcester County Juvenile Court (February 18, 2019) (attached).

Massachusetts Legislature Acts to Transform Long-Term Care Sector

(BOSTON 9/5/2024) – Last week, the Massachusetts Legislature passed sweeping reforms to the long-term care and assisted living sectors, taking a powerful step towards delivering high quality and safe care for older residents across the Commonwealth.

An Act to improve quality and oversight of long-term care strengthens the Commonwealth’s oversight of nursing homes, provides critical anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ nursing home residents, and permanently allows assisted living residences to offer basic health services.

“Massachusetts seniors deserve the highest quality care as they age with dignity,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “This bill addresses many of the recurring issues and inequalities that have long plagued long-term care and assisted living facilities in the Commonwealth, while bringing greater oversight and strong whistleblower protections for when things do go wrong. I’d like to thank my colleagues for their leadership on this issue, and I look forward to continuing our work to better the lives of our elders.”

The bill includes provisions related to basic health services administered in assisted living facilities and oversight of long-term care facilities, including the following:

Inclusion for LGBTQ+ Residents. The legislation requires each long-term care facility to provide staff training on the rights and care of LGBTQ+ older adults and older adults living with HIV. It also forbids any long-term care facility and long-term care facility staff from discriminating based in whole or in part on a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, intersex status or HIV status, whether through the denial of admission, medical or non-medical care, access to restrooms, or through room assignments.

Building the Long-Term Care Workforce. The Long-Term Care Workforce and Capital Fund established in the bill supports several new initiatives to recruit and retain a dedicated long-term care workforce, including grants to develop new Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), career ladder grants for direct care workers to train to become Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), along with leadership and supervisory training for nursing home leaders. The fund also establishes a no interest or forgivable capital loan program to off-set certain capital costs, including the development of specialized care units, and to fund other capital improvements. Civil penalties secured by the Attorney General against nursing home facilities for abuse or neglect will be deposited into the fund to support these initiatives.

Estate Recovery. The legislation limits MassHealth estate recovery to only federally mandated recovery and removes estate recovery for residents receiving assistance under CommonHealth.

Medication Aides. It requires the Department of Public Health, in consultation with the Board of Registration in Nursing, to create a program for the certification, training, and oversight of certified medication aides who shall be authorized to administer medications to residents of long-term care facilities.

Expanding Access to Basic Health Services. The bill makes it easier for residents of assisted living residences (ALRs) to offer basic health services such as helping a resident administer drops, manage their oxygen, or take a home diagnostic test. The legislation requires ALRs create service plans that demonstrate the residence has the necessary procedures in place, such as staff training and policies, to ensure safe and effective delivery of basic health services.

Enhancing State Oversight and Compliance to Ensure Quality Care. The legislation enhances oversight and compliance of ALRs by lowering the threshold for ownership interest disclosure from 25 per cent to five per cent. Under the new law, applicants are required to demonstrate that any prior multifamily housing, ALR, or health care facilities in which they had an interest met all the licensure or certification criteria. If any of these facilities were subject to enforcement action, the applicant must provide evidence that they corrected these deficiencies without revocation of licensure or certification.

This bill also gives the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) new powers to penalize non-compliance by allowing them to fine ALRs up to $500 per day. This is in addition to existing EOEA powers to modify, suspend, or revoke a certification, or deny a recertification. Finally, it adds whistleblower protections for staff and residents who report anything happening at an ALR that they reasonably believe is a threat to the health or safety of staff or residents.

Further, it authorizes the Attorney General to file a civil action against a person who: commits abuse, mistreatment or neglect of a patient or resident; misappropriates patient or resident property; recklessly permits or causes another to commit abuse, mistreatment or neglect of a patient or resident or misappropriate patient or resident property.

Long Term Care Facilities. The bill requires the Department of Public Health (DPH) to inspect each long-term care facility annually to assess quality of services and compliance. It also requires DPH to review the civil litigation history, in addition to the criminal history, of the long-term care facility applicants, including any litigation related to quality of care, patient safety, labor issues, or deceptive business practices.

The bill requires DPH to review the financial capacity of an applicant and its history in providing long term care in Massachusetts and other states. It requires applicants to notify DPH if it is undergoing financial distress, such as filing for bankruptcy, defaulting on a lending agreement, or undergoing receivership.

It allows DPH to limit, restrict, or revoke a long-term care facility license for cause, such as substantial or sustained failure to provide adequate care, substantial or sustained failure to comply with laws or regulations, or lack of financial capacity to operate a facility. It also gives DPH the power to appoint a temporary manager if a long-term care facility owner fails to maintain substantial or sustained compliance with laws and regulations. This manager would be brought on for at least three months, at the facility owner’s expense, to bring the facility into compliance.

Small House Nursing Homes. Small House nursing homes have emerged over the last two decades as an alternative to traditional long-term care facilities with a growing body of evidence demonstrating superior clinical outcomes in addition to higher resident and staff satisfaction levels. The bill would streamline the process for small house nursing homes to be licensed in the Commonwealth.

Outbreak Response Planning, Enhanced Training, and Financial Performance. The bill requires long-term care facilities to develop individualized outbreak response plans to contain the spread of disease and ensure consistent communication with DPH, residents, families, and staff. These plans must include written policies to meet staffing, training, and facility demands during an infectious disease outbreak and requires plans to be reviewed and resubmitted to DPH annually.

The bill also directs DPH to establish and implement training and education programs on topics such as infection prevention and control, resident care plans, and staff safety programs.  DPH would also be required to promulgate regulations necessary to enable residents of a facility to engage in in-person, face-to-face, or verbal/auditory-based contact, communications, and religious and recreational activities.

This legislation also directs DPH, in coordination with other agencies and departments, to examine cost trends and financial performance across the nursing industry that will help regulators and policymakers untangle the complicated ownership structure of nursing homes.

Uniform Prior Authorization Forms. The bill requires the Division of Insurance (DOI) to develop and implement uniform prior authorization forms for admissions from acute care hospitals to post-acute care facilities.

Two-Year Prior Authorization Pilot. This legislation requires that all payers, including MassHealth, to approve or deny a request for prior authorization for admissions from acute care hospitals to post-acute care facilities or home health agencies for post-acute care services, by the next business day or to waive prior authorization altogether when a patient can be admitted over the weekend. In the case of prior authorization for non-emergency transportation between health care facilities, once authorization has been granted, that authorization must remain valid for at least seven days.

Hospital Throughput Task Force. The bill establishes a task force to study and propose recommendations to address acute care hospital throughput challenges and the impact of persistent delays in discharging patients from acute to post-acute care settings. The task force will examine hospital discharge planning and case management practices; administrative legal and regulatory barriers to discharge; efforts to increase public awareness of health care proxies; post-acute care capacity constraints; the effectiveness of interagency coordination; and other items.

MassHealth Long-Term Care Eligibility. The bill requires MassHealth to study the cost and feasibility of changes to it eligibility requirements for with the goal of reducing the time applicants spend at acute-care hospitals awaiting long-term care eligibility determinations. The study will consider improvements to the eligibility determination process; establishing a rebuttable presumption of eligibility; guaranteeing payment for long-term care services for up to one year; and expanding the undue hardship waiver criteria.

HPC Study of Medicare ACOs. This legislation requires the Health Policy Commission (HPC) to conduct an analysis and issue a report on the impact of Medicare accountable care organizations on the financial viability of long-term care facilities and continued access to services for Medicare patients.

The compromise legislation now having passed the Legislature, the bill now goes to the Governor’s desk for her signature.


Massachusetts Legislature Passes Comprehensive Maternal Health Bill

(BOSTON 8/19/2024) – Last week, the Massachusetts Legislature passed a comprehensive maternal health bill which creates a state licensure pathway for midwives and lactation consultants, encourages the creation of more freestanding birth centers, establishes a grant program to address maternal mental health and substance use disorder, and expands the statewide universal postpartum home visiting program. This legislation also mandates that insurers provide coverage for postpartum depression and major depressive disorder screenings for perinatal individuals.

“Providing accessible, affordable, and quality maternal care to expecting mothers is how we can set Bay State families up for healthy futures,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “The Massachusetts Legislature is acting to bring midwife services, mental health resources, and more to vulnerable expecting mothers across the Commonwealth. I’m proud to have voted to approve this bill, and I look forward to continuing our work to support mothers at every stage of parenthood.”

The legislation creates a state license that certified professional midwives must receive in order to practice midwifery, and requires certain insurance providers, such as MassHealth, to cover doula and midwifery services including prenatal care, childbirth, and postpartum care. The bill creates the Board of Registration in Midwifery within the Department of Public Health (DPH) to license and provide oversight of licensed certified professional midwives. Licensed certified professional midwives would be required to coordinate emergency care if needed and would also be able to issue prescriptions for certain drugs, under regulations to be promulgated by the Board and DPH. The bill also ensures equitable reimbursement of certified nurse-midwives by requiring that they receive payment rates equal to those for the same services performed by a physician under MassHealth.

To encourage the creation of more freestanding birth centers, which operate independent from hospital systems, the bill requires DPH to promulgate updated regulations governing the licensure of freestanding birth centers to ensure safe, equitable, and accessible birth options.

The legislation also requires that MassHealth cover noninvasive prenatal screenings to detect whether a pregnancy is at increased risk for chromosomal abnormalities for all pregnant patients regardless of age, baseline risk, or family history. The bill requires health insurers to provide coverage for medically necessary pasteurized donor human milk and products derived from it, serving as a critical source of nutrition for the growth and development of babies, particularly for vulnerable premature infants. To better support new mothers in their feeding journeys, the bill also authorizes the Board of Allied Health Professionals to license lactation consultants to ensure their services are eligible for reimbursement through the patient’s insurance.

The legislation provides critical support for birthing people and their families during the postpartum period, including requiring DPH to conduct a public awareness campaign about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, and to develop and maintain a digital resource center that will be available to the public. It also requires that perinatal individuals be offered a screening for postpartum depression and major depressive disorder, and that those services be covered by health insurance plans. To better address barriers in access to care and reduce racial inequities in maternal health, the bill expands the universal postpartum home visiting program administered by DPH and provides coverage for the program’s services.

Additionally, the bill requires DPH to develop and disseminate public information about pregnancy loss to the public and perinatal health care workers to prioritize the physical and mental health care of patients affected. It also requires DPH to establish a program to conduct fetal and infant mortality reviews (FIMR) to identify social, economic, and systems level factors associated with fetal and infant deaths and inform public health policy programs. The bill also includes a provision that will allow Massachusetts residents to use earned paid sick time in the event of a pregnancy loss.

The bill ensures that the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee will have access to essential records required to conduct thorough and timely reviews of maternal deaths and pregnancy complications. This will enable the Committee to formulate comprehensive recommendations to improving maternal outcomes and prevent mortality. The bill also establishes a grant program under the Executive Office of Health and Human Services aimed at addressing maternal mental health. This program will support the establishment or expansion of initiatives serving perinatal individuals, particularly those in underserved populations, to improve mental health, behavioral health, and substance use disorder.

The bill establishes a nine-member task force to study the current availability of, and access to, maternal health services and care, as well as essential service closures of inpatient maternity units and acute-level birthing centers. The task force will identify methods of increasing financial investment in, and patient access to, maternal health care in the Commonwealth.

Having passed both chambers, the bill now goes to the Governor’s desk for her signature.


Massachusetts Legislature Passes HERO Act

(BOSTON 8/8/2024) – The Massachusetts Legislature has passed An Act Honoring, Empowering and Recognizing Our Service Members and Veterans (HERO Act), legislation designed to boost support for hundreds of thousands of individuals across the state who have served in the United States military, including nearly 30,000 women Veterans and thousands of LGBTQ+ Veterans.

This compromise legislation increases and simplifies benefits and opportunities, modernizes services, and promotes inclusivity for Massachusetts Veterans while reaffirming the Commonwealth’s commitment to recognizing and serving all service members and their families. It increases benefits for disabled Veterans and Gold Star family members, bolsters new and existing initiatives for municipalities and businesses to support Veterans, creates comprehensive services for active-duty service members and military families, expands the scope of the Veterans Equality Review Board, updates the Chapter 115 definition of a Veteran to expand eligibility, and codifies medical, behavioral health, and dental benefits.

Further, it establishes new recognitions for military service in the Commonwealth and requires several working groups to review post-traumatic stress disorder in Veterans, mental health treatments for Veterans, and overall quality of life for Veterans in Massachusetts.

“Those who have made the selfless choice to join the United States Armed Forces deserve the best benefits and services our Commonwealth can offer,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “The HERO Act ensures we recognize all types of military service and that the families of servicemembers are supported both while they are deployed and after they return home, just to name a few benefits of this bill. I’m proud of the support the Commonwealth offers our Veterans, and I’m thrilled that this bill will continue to bolster our military community.”

A compromise having passed the Legislature, the bill now goes to the Governor’s desk for her signature.


Massachusetts Legislature Passes Largest Housing Investment in State History

(BOSTON 8/7/2024) – The Massachusetts Legislature last week passed the Affordable Homes Act, the largest housing investment in Massachusetts history and a powerful first step in tackling the state’s housing affordability crisis.

The legislation authorizes $5.16 billion in bond authorizations and tax credits to spur housing production in Massachusetts, while implementing sweeping policy initiatives to facilitate the development of affordable housing and preserve public housing in Massachusetts.

“Everyone should be able to find a home that is safe, secure, and – most importantly – affordable. Unfortunately, housing has become unattainable for so many in the communities they’ve long called home,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “The passage of the Affordable Homes Act represents a step toward addressing the crushing housing crisis we face here in the Commonwealth. While we still have a lot more to do to produce more homes and get the prices of those homes under control, this bill signals that the Legislature is willing to take on the challenge. I look forward to continuing our work on Beacon Hill to find more solutions that will protect and expand opportunities to rent and own a home in communities across the Commonwealth.”

An amendment protecting the right of homebuyers put forward by Senator Michael Moore and adopted by the Senate was approved by the full Legislature. The provision directs the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities to implement a regulation that secures a buyer’s right to have an inspection done on a property before finalizing the purchase of a home. While this provision does not require a buyer to have a home inspection done, it bans the conditioning of a sale on waiving or limiting the buyer’s right to inspect the home.

“This is a great day for Massachusetts consumers, home buyers, buyers agents, and today’s home sellers who will be tomorrow’s home buyers. Allowing home buyers the right to have an independent inspection done of the home they’re about to purchase – something that was the industry standard for the past half-century – is now the law,” said Michael Atwell, former president of the American Society of Home Inspectors. “A huge thank you to the Massachusetts Legislature who appreciated the need for and urgency of this legislation.”

“I’d like to thank Governor Healey for her support of this amendment protecting homebuyers in the Commonwealth despite the efforts of interest groups like the Massachusetts Association of Realtors and the Greater Boston Real Estate Board, who opposed the change. Buying a home is one of the biggest purchases many families will ever make. Shouldn’t you have the right to know exactly what you’re purchasing before you sign a binding contract?” said Senator Moore. “Buyers must not feel obligated to waive inspections, risking their most important investment, in order to find their forever home. In a Commonwealth where we have long taken a strong approach to consumer protections, this is an obvious step to protect families from financial ruin due to costly undisclosed repairs. I am hopeful that these protections will be embraced by Realtors across the Commonwealth as a win for their clients and the overall health of the Massachusetts housing market.”

Other amendments secured by Senator Moore provide earmarks for sewer, septic, water, storm water management, roads, sidewalks, traffic controls, and public safety infrastructure upgrades that support housing development, preservation, or rehabilitation. $7 million was allocated for towns and cities in the Second Worcester District, including:

  • Auburn – $1 million

  • Grafton – $1 million

  • Millbury – $1 million

  • Shrewsbury – $1 million

  • Westborough – $1 million

  • Worcester – $2 million

To help municipalities convert commercial properties into multi-unit residential or mixed-use properties, the bill makes project sponsors eligible for a tax credit of up to 10 percent of the development costs upon completion of a project.

The bill includes a new tax credit to incentivize production of homeownership units targeting households with incomes of up to 120 per cent of the area median income (AMI). It also makes permanent the Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) while expanding the statewide cap on donations from $12 million to $15 million. Further, it extends the sunset of the Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit through December 31, 2030, while increasing the total available amount from $55 million to $110 million.

Among the many policy initiatives included in the bill to create more housing is a provision to permit one accessory dwelling unit (ADU) equal to or less than 900 square feet to be built by-right on a property in single-family zoning districts in all Massachusetts communities. The bill further provides consumer protections to help prevent homeowners from being pressured into waiving a home inspection, protects tenants who have a years-old eviction record from having that record held against them when securing new housing, gives seasonal communities new tools to tackle their unique housing challenges, and protects renters from having their unit redeveloped into a condominium.

Bond authorizations include:

Public housing

  • $2 billion to support the repair, rehabilitation, and modernization of over 43,000 public housing units across Massachusetts, with 25 per cent of the funds dedicated to preserve housing for those with incomes below 30 percent AMI.

  • $150 million to decarbonize the public housing stock and $15 million for accessibility upgrades.

  • $200 million to support Local Housing Authorities (LHAs) who partner with developers to add mixed-income developments on LHA land, leveraging funds to maintain and preserve public housing while increasing the overall housing supply.


Housing vulnerable populations

  • $200 million to support innovative and alternative forms of rental housing, including single person occupancy (SPO) units, transitional and permanent housing for people experiencing homelessness, housing for seniors and veterans, and transitional units for persons recovering from substance use disorder. 25 per cent of funds must be used to fund projects which preserve housing for those with incomes below 30 per cent AMI.

  • $70 million to support the development of appropriate community-based housing for Department of Mental Health (DMH) and Department of Developmental Services (DDS) clients

  • $60 million to modify homes of individuals or families with disabilities or seniors so that they may maintain residency or return home from institutional settings.

  • $55 million to support appropriate housing for people with disabilities who are not DMH or DDS clients.


Housing development

  • $800 million for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund which provides resources to create or preserve affordable housing for households earning less than 100 per cent of AMI.

  • $200 million to accelerate the development of mixed-income multifamily housing.

  • $100 million for the Middle Income Housing Fund which funds housing development for households earning less than 120 per cent of AMI.

  • $100 million for the Commonwealth Builder program for the construction of affordable single-family homes for households earning between 70 and 120 per cent of AMI, primarily in Gateway Cities.



  • $425 million to support preservation, new construction, and rehabilitation projects through the Housing Stabilization Fund and the Community Investment and Preservation Fund.

  • $275 million to consolidate the existing Transit Oriented Housing Program and the Climate Resilient Housing Program and create a new, innovative program to accelerate and unlock new housing. 25 per cent of the funds must be used to fund projects which preserve housing for those with incomes below 60 per cent of AMI.

  • $175 million for municipal infrastructure projects to encourage denser housing development.

  • $50 million to provide payments to municipalities that receive a Housing Choice designation through high housing production and/or demonstration of best practices, including a grant program to assist MBTA Communities in complying with the multi-family zoning requirement in the MBTA Communities Law.

  • $50 million for grants to municipalities for planning and zoning initiatives that support housing production, workforce training and economic opportunities, childcare and early education initiatives and climate resiliency initiatives.

  • $20 million to provide incentive payments to municipalities who adopt smart growth housing districts.


Having passed both chambers, the bill now goes to the Governor for her consideration.


Legislature Acts to Protect Massachusetts Firefighters from Toxic PFAS Chemicals

(BOSTON 8/5/2024) – Today, the Massachusetts Legislature gave final passage to a critical bill that will protect firefighters in the Commonwealth from toxic PFAS chemicals. S.2902 – based on S.1556 and S.1502 – implements new regulations on manufacturers of firefighting personal protective equipment, requiring a written notice to the purchaser that the equipment contains PFAS, the reason PFAS were used, and what specific PFAS chemicals are contained within the equipment. Further, the bill prohibits the manufacturing, distribution, or sale of firefighting turnout equipment that contains PFAS chemicals beginning on January 1st, 2027.

PFAS, or Polyfluoroalkyl substances, is a class designation that includes nearly 10,000 chemicals used to make everyday items fireproof, waterproof, or non-stick. These chemicals have become ubiquitous in products ranging from cookware to furniture to children’s toys – and critically, as a lining in firefighting turnout gear – despite posing dangerous health risks. Even at low levels, the toxicity of PFAS chemicals can be devastating, increasing the risk of cancer, immunosuppression, birth defects, colitis, and other diseases. Compounding these dangers is the persistent nature of PFAS chemicals, known as “forever chemicals” for their resistance to breaking down in the environment.

“Ask anyone how the majority of firefighter line-of-duty deaths occur — most will probably guess smoke inhalation or on-call injury. The shocking truth is that, from 2002 to 2019, cancer accounted for 66% of firefighter deaths, according to the International Association of Firefighters,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “PFAS exposure from firefighting equipment is a crisis for firefighters and the communities they serve. I am so proud that the Legislature is finally taking action to protect our heroic firefighters from the chemicals in their turnout gear that are slowly poisoning them, and I could not be more thrilled to have done it alongside my partners in the Legislature as well as the tireless advocates from across the Commonwealth who have persisted in this effort despite many setbacks. I look forward to Governor Maura Healey signing these protections into law.”

This legislation, originally filed by former Massachusetts Senator Diana DiZoglio and co-sponsored by Senator Michael Moore, has since been championed in the Senate by Senator Moore with support from Senators Julian Cyr, Bruce Tarr, Walter Timilty, Michael Rodrigues and others. In the House, the bill was championed by Representatives Jim Hawkins and Carol Doherty.

“Our firefighters are among the most hardworking, selfless people in Massachusetts, operating under the most dangerous of conditions while risking their own lives to save others. For their dedication to our communities, we must do all we can to provide them with the supports they need to do this invaluable work,” said State Auditor Diana DiZoglio. “That is why I am so grateful for the passage of this legislation, which will go a long way toward protecting those who protect us.”

“Every day firefighters face danger to protect us, and they depend on turnout gear to protect them,” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester). “Yet far too often that gear has itself posed a threat to firefighter health because of the presence and carcinogenic impact of PFAS contained in the gear. Today the Senate took the decisive action that this situation demands, to confront the ongoing threat of these dangerous chemicals.”

“Firefighters in Massachusetts put their lives on the line every day on behalf of our communities, and yet it is the exposure to the forever chemicals known as PFAS in their turnout gear that pose one of the greatest risks to their health,” said Senator Julian Cyr (D-Truro). “This legislation marks a critical first step forward in the Senate’s efforts to mitigate the contamination of and eliminate exposure to these harmful forever chemicals.”

While PFAS chemicals have long been used in firefighter turnout gear, the long-term health effects on the men and women who wear the equipment every day have only recently come into the spotlight. The campaign to draw attention to the downsides of PFAS largely began in 2014 when Worcester native Diane Cotter, in the wake of her husband’s prostate cancer diagnosis, discovered extremely high levels of PFAS in and around his firefighting turnout equipment. Lieutenant Paul Cotter, a retired Worcester Fire Department firefighter, had worn the tainted equipment for 28 years. Since making this discovery, Diane has rallied support from the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts (PFFM) and the families of firefighters across the Commonwealth for the restriction of PFAS in firefighter equipment, as well as played a key role in the filing of litigation against the manufacturers of firefighter turnout gear by dozens of Massachusetts firefighters. The issue has recently received national attention, including from actor and producer Mark Ruffalo, who directed a short documentary that tells the story of Diane and Paul Cotter as they grapple with the effects of long-term exposure to PFAS chemicals in firefighting gear.

“We are incredibly proud and grateful for this righteous passing of Senator Moore’s bill to protect firefighters,” said Diane and Lieutenant Paul Cotter. “Since 2018 we’ve witnessed Senator Moore stand toe to toe against industry in three sessions of this bill. Every session was arduous but our firefighters from PFFM and the many lawmakers on both sides of the aisle held the line today for the fire community.”

"Thank you to Senator Michael Moore, Senator Julian Cyr, Ways and Means Chair Michael Rodrigues and the entire state senate who voted unanimously to remove toxic chemicals from our turnout gear, hold manufacturers accountable, and ultimately protect the health of the firefighters that serve this state," said Rich MacKinnon, Jr., President of the Professional Fire Fighters of MA. "We have worked for more than six years to pass a bill that bans PFAS chemicals, and today we are one step closer. The PFFM calls on the House to also pass this vital legislation so that it can go to the Governor's desk and hopefully be signed into law before we lose another firefighter."

Having been approved by both the Senate and the House, the bill will now be sent to the Governor’s desk for her signature.


Massachusetts Legislature Passes Parentage Act

(BOSTON 8/5/2024) – Last week, the Massachusetts Legislature passed An Act to ensure legal parentage equality, extending the full rights of parentage to LGBTQ+ families and families created via assisted reproduction.

The bill dismantles archaic legal barriers to basic parenting responsibilities for modern families, opening the door to legally attend and make decisions during medical appointments, manage a child’s finances, participate in educational decisions, and provide authorizations for a child’s travel.

“The Massachusetts Legislature is acting to ensure that if you are a parent, the law treats you as such – regardless of whether you gave birth, adopted, had a surrogate, used IVF, or if you are part of a same-sex couple,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “The Commonwealth has long been a place that all are welcome, and I’m thrilled that this legislation continues our mission to codify those values into law. I’d like to thank my colleagues in the House and the Senate for getting this bill across the finish line and onto Governor Healey’s desk.”

Despite leading the nation by legalizing same-sex marriage 20 years ago, LGBTQ+ residents continue to face significant barriers in obtaining full legal recognition as a parent.

In response, the legislature’s bill updates the Commonwealth’s laws so common paths to parentage may be utilized equally by all families, regardless of marital status. It also creates a new path to parentage for individuals who are ‘de facto’ parents and ensures that every child and parent has the same rights and protections without regard to the marital status, gender identity, or sexual orientation of their parents, or the circumstances of their birth.

The legislation makes critical updates to laws related to assisted reproduction, including surrogacy and in-vitro fertilization (IVF). It outlines rights, requirements, procedures, and safeguards for parents, donors, surrogates, and others involved in the process. Further, it establishes clear paths to parentage for individuals or couples utilizing assisted reproduction and surrogacy in order to provide legal recognition and status prior to the child’s birth.

For many families, non-biological parents are their child’s parent in every way except being legally recognized as such. The bill passed today legally recognizes the importance of relationships between children and parents in modern families and affords individuals who have been acting in a meaningful parental role for a significant amount of time the opportunity to seek full legal rights befitting their relationship.

It also provides notice, and an opportunity to be heard, to existing parents, and adds safeguards against abuse and protections for domestic violence survivors and military parents.

A compromise having passed the Legislature, the bill now goes to the Governor’s desk for her signature.


Senate Acts to Mitigate Massachusetts Opioid Crisis

(BOSTON 8/1/2024) – This week, the Massachusetts Senate passed legislation expanding support for residents coping with substance use disorder to stem the toll of an opioid crisis that takes thousands of lives each year.

S.2898, An Act relative to accessing harm reduction initiatives, enables cities and towns to establish a wide range of measures proven to reduce the harms of drug use, including needle exchange programs, drug screenings, and overdose prevention facilities. It makes strides in studying sober home oversight and resources to support those in recovery, and widely expands access to overdose reversal drugs like naloxone.

“The opioid crisis has left nowhere in America untouched, and communities in Massachusetts have been no exception. This bill will help us save the lives of individuals who suffer from a substance use disorder and help us get them on a path to recovery,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “Harm reduction is certainly not a perfect solution, but the provisions included in this legislation will give us more opportunities to address the root causes of addiction and reduce the devastating toll overdoses have on families across the Bay State. This bill also give cities and towns the flexibility to implement the solutions that will work for their own unique situations – something I’ve supported throughout this process. I am hopeful that we can continue our work in the Legislature to make overdose deaths a thing of the past.”

The bill allows cities and towns to opt in to a number of new harm reduction programs. Those programs include:

  • Needle exchange programs

  • Primary care services, including disease prevention and health screenings

  • Access to, or referrals for, evidence-based treatment options

  • Drug testing services

  • Overdose reversal care

  • Supervision of individuals who consume pre-obtained substances

Programs that provide overdose reversal care and supervision of individuals who consume pre-obtained substances would require approval by the local board of health, select board or city council, and the state Department of Public Health (DPH). Participants and administrators of harm reduction programs would be granted limited liability protections.

To further support individuals in recovery, the Senate’s bill mandates DPH to conduct a study on sober homes in the Commonwealth, focusing on the safety and recovery of sober home residents. The study would examine and make recommendations for improving training for operators and staff, creating safe recovery environments, overseeing sober homes, and creating licensure programs for counselors and recovery coaches.

The bill creates licensure programs for alcohol and drug counselors and recovery coaches, which would be administered by DPH. Additionally, it requires the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services to study and report on barriers to certification, credentialing, and other employment and practice requirements for recovery coaches.

To increase and expand access to opioid reversal treatments like Narcan, the bill would:

  • Require health insurance plans to cover opioid overdose reversal drugs without cost-sharing or prior authorization.

  • Mandate pharmacies in areas with high incidences of overdose to maintain a continuous supply of opioid overdose reversal drugs and notify DPH if the supply is insufficient.

  • Require substance use disorder treatment facilities to educate on and dispense at least two doses of opioid overdose reversal drugs to individuals upon discharge.

  • Mandate hospitals to educate on and prescribe or dispense at least two doses of opioid overdose reversal drugs to individuals with a history of opioid use or opioid use disorder upon discharge.

A previous version of this bill having passed the House of Representatives, the two branches will now reconcile the differences between the bills, before sending a final version to the Governor’s desk.


Senate Bolsters Access to Maternal Health Services in Massachusetts

(BOSTON 7/31/2024) – Yesterday, the Massachusetts Senate unanimously passed legislation to strengthen access to physical and mental health care for pregnant people and new parents in Massachusetts, an expansion of support systems that is intended to keep parents and newborns healthy as they are welcomed into the world.

S.2899, An Act relative to increasing access to perinatal health care, builds on and improves existing perinatal health resources across the Commonwealth, including mental health resources, midwifery, and doula services.

“Providing accessible, affordable, and quality maternal care to expecting mothers is how we can set Bay State families up for healthy futures,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “The Massachusetts Senate is acting to bring midwife services, mental health resources, and more to vulnerable expecting mothers across the Commonwealth. I’m proud to have voted to approve this bill, and I look forward to continuing the Senate’s work to support mothers at every stage of parenthood.”

In an effort to proactively address mental health needs, the legislation requires MassHealth and commercial insurance coverage for post-pregnancy depression screenings. It also mandates the Department of Public Health (DPH) to develop and maintain a comprehensive digital resource center on perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. 

It requires postnatal individuals receiving care from a postnatal professional to be offered a screening for post-pregnancy depression. Pediatricians will also offer screenings to postnatal individuals during infant wellness visits.

The bill allows earned sick time to be used for pregnancy loss, failed assisted-reproduction, adoption, or surrogacy. Further, it establishes a grant program to award funds to community-based organizations to address mental health conditions and substance use disorders for medically underserved perinatal individuals.

To improve access to midwifery care, the bill creates a licensure program for professional midwives to be certified by DPH. Licensed certified professional midwives will be authorized to dispense certain medications and administer necessary controlled substances under a statewide standing order to be issued by DPH. Additionally, the legislation mandates insurance coverage for services provided by certified nurse-midwives, making midwifery care more accessible and affordable.

The bill requires MassHealth to cover doula services for pregnant individuals, postpartum individuals up to 12 months following the end of pregnancy, and adoptive parents of infants until the infants reach one year of age. This provision recognizes the vital role that doulas play in supporting perinatal health and ensures that more families can benefit from their care.

Further notable provisions of the legislation include:

  • Requiring DPH to create regulations for the operation and maintenance of birth centers licensed as freestanding birth centers.

  • Codifying and expanding access to the DPH universal postpartum home visiting program.

  • Prohibiting the administration of ultrasound services unless supervised by a licensed healthcare professional providing medical care for pregnant individuals.

  • Changing the frequency of covered pediatrician wellness visits from annually to once per calendar year.


A previous version of this bill having passed the House of Representatives, the two branches will now reconcile the differences between the bills, before sending a version to the Governor’s desk.


Senate Makes Sweeping Reforms to Long Term Care and Assisted Living Facilities

(BOSTON 7/30/2024) – Last week, the Massachusetts Senate approved sweeping reforms to the Commonwealth’s long term care and assisted living sectors, taking a powerful step towards delivering the high quality and safe care that Massachusetts seniors deserve. S.2889, An Act relative to long term care and assisted living, substantially strengthens oversight and enforcement while also requiring facilities to create outbreak plans should a health issue arise.

The bill also creates an LGBTQ+ bill of rights for aging residents to prohibit discrimination based on their LGBTQ+ identity or HIV status. After robust debate, the bill passed 39-0.

“Massachusetts seniors deserve the highest quality care as they age with dignity,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “This bill addresses many of the recurring issues and inequalities that have long plagued long term care and assisted living facilities in the Commonwealth, while bringing greater oversight and strong whistleblower protections for when things do go wrong. I’d like to thank my colleagues for their leadership on this issue, and I look forward to continuing our work to better the lives of our elders.”

The bill includes provisions related to basic health services administered in assisted living facilities and oversight of long term care facilities, including the following.

Assisted Living Basic Health Services. The bill makes it easier for residents of nursing homes and long term care facilities to get timely and efficient care by allowing Assisted Living Residences (ALRs) to offer basic health services such as helping a resident administer drops, manage their oxygen, or take a home diagnostic test. The legislation requires ALRs create service plans that demonstrate the residence has the necessary procedures in place, such as staff training and policies, to ensure safe and effective delivery of basic health services.

The legislation enhances oversight and compliance of ALRs by lowering the threshold for ownership interest disclosure from 25% to 5%. Under the new law, applicants are required to demonstrate that any prior multifamily housing, ALR, or health care facilities in which they had an interest met all the licensure or certification criteria. If any of these facilities were subject to enforcement action, the applicant must provide evidence that they corrected these deficiencies without revocation of licensure or certification.

This bill also gives the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) new powers to penalize non-compliance by allowing them to fine ALRs up to $500 per day. This is in addition to existing EOEA powers to modify, suspend, or revoke a certification, or deny a recertification. Finally, it adds whistleblower protections for staff and residents who report anything happening at an ALR that they reasonably believe is a threat to the health or safety of staff or residents.

Long Term Care Facilities. The bill requires the Department of Public Health (DPH) to inspect each long term care facility every nine to 15 months to assess quality of services and compliance. It also requires DPH to review the civil litigation history, in addition to the criminal history, of the long term care facility applicants, including any litigation related to quality of care, patient safety, labor issues, or deceptive business practices.

S.2889 requires DPH to review the financial capacity of an applicant and its history in providing long term care in Massachusetts and other states. It requires applicants to notify DPH if it is undergoing financial distress, such as filing for bankruptcy, defaulting on a lending agreement, or undergoing receivership.

It allows DPH to limit, restrict, or revoke a long term care facility license for cause, such as substantial or sustained failure to provide adequate care, substantial or sustained failure to comply with laws or regulations, or lack of financial capacity to operate a facility. It also gives DPH the power to appoint a temporary manager if a long term care facility owner fails to maintain substantial or sustained compliance with laws and regulations. This manager would be brought on for at least three months, at the facility owner’s expense, to bring the facility into compliance.

The bill requires long term care facilities to submit outbreak response plans to DPH with clear protocols for the isolation of residents, lab testing, visitor screening, preventing spread from staff, and the notification of residents, family, and staff in the event of a contagious disease outbreak.

The bill prohibits long term care facilities from discriminating against residents based on LGBTQ+ identity or HIV status, whether through the denial of admission, medical or non-medical care, access to restrooms, or through room assignments. It also requires staff training on preserving LGBTQ+ rights and care.

Versions of the bill having passed both chambers of the Legislature, the two branches will now reconcile their differences before sending a bill to the Governor’s desk.


Senate Acts to Protect Massachusetts Firefighters from Toxic PFAS Chemicals

(BOSTON 7/30/2024) – Yesterday, the Massachusetts Senate passed a critical bill that will protect firefighters in the Commonwealth from toxic PFAS chemicals. S.2902 – based S.1556 and S.1502 – implements new regulations on manufacturers of firefighting personal protective equipment, requiring a written notice to the purchaser that the equipment contains PFAS, the reason PFAS were used, and what specific PFAS chemicals are contained within the equipment. Further, the bill prohibits the manufacturing, distribution, or sale of firefighting turnout equipment that contains PFAS chemicals beginning on January 1st, 2027.

PFAS, or Polyfluoroalkyl substances, is a class designation that includes nearly 10,000 chemicals used to make everyday items fireproof, waterproof, or non-stick. These chemicals have become ubiquitous in products ranging from cookware to furniture to children’s toys – and critically, as a lining in firefighting turnout gear – despite posing dangerous health risks. Even at low levels, the toxicity of PFAS chemicals can be devastating, increasing the risk of cancer, immunosuppression, birth defects, colitis, and other diseases. Compounding these dangers is the persistent nature of PFAS chemicals, known as “forever chemicals” for their resistance to breaking down in the environment.

“Ask anyone how the majority of firefighter line-of-duty deaths occur — most will probably guess smoke inhalation or on-call injury. The shocking truth is that, from 2002 to 2019, cancer accounted for 66% of firefighter deaths, according to the International Association of Firefighters,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “PFAS exposure from firefighting equipment is a crisis for firefighters and the communities they serve. I am so proud that the Senate is finally taking action to protect our heroic firefighters from the chemicals in their turnout gear that are slowly poisoning them, and I could not be more thrilled to have done it alongside my partners in the Legislature as well as the tireless advocates from across the Commonwealth who have persisted in this effort despite many setbacks. I am hopeful that my colleagues in the House will step up to get this legislation to Governor Healey’s desk before the end of the legislative term.”

This legislation, originally filed by former Massachusetts Senator Diana DiZoglio and co-sponsored by Senator Michael Moore, has since been championed in the Senate by Senator Moore with support from Senators Julian Cyr, Bruce Tarr, Walter Timilty, Michael Rodrigues.

“Our firefighters are among the most hardworking, selfless people in Massachusetts, operating under the most dangerous of conditions while risking their own lives to save others. For their dedication to our communities, we must do all we can to provide them with the supports they need to do this invaluable work,” said State Auditor Diana DiZoglio. “That is why I am so grateful for the passage of this legislation, which will go a long way toward protecting those who protect us.”

“Every day firefighters face danger to protect us, and they depend on turnout gear to protect them,” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester). “Yet far too often that gear has itself posed a threat to firefighter health because of the presence and carcinogenic impact of PFAS contained in the gear. Today the Senate took the decisive action that this situation demands, to confront the ongoing threat of these dangerous chemicals.”

“Firefighters in Massachusetts put their lives on the line every day on behalf of our communities, and yet it is the exposure to the forever chemicals known as PFAS in their turnout gear that pose one of the greatest risks to their health,” said Senator Julian Cyr (D-Truro). “This legislation marks a critical first step forward in the Senate’s efforts to mitigate the contamination of and eliminate exposure to these harmful forever chemicals.”

While PFAS chemicals have long been used in firefighter turnout gear, the long-term health effects on the men and women who wear the equipment every day have only recently come into the spotlight. The campaign to draw attention to the downsides of PFAS largely began in 2014 when Worcester native Diane Cotter, in the wake of her husband’s prostate cancer diagnosis, discovered extremely high levels of PFAS in and around his firefighting turnout equipment. Lieutenant Paul Cotter, a retired Worcester Fire Department firefighter, had worn the tainted equipment for 28 years. Since making this discovery, Diane has rallied support from the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts (PFFM) and the families of firefighters across the Commonwealth for the restriction of PFAS in firefighter equipment, as well as played a key role in the filing of litigation against the manufacturers of firefighter turnout gear by dozens of Massachusetts firefighters. The issue has recently received national attention, including from actor and producer Mark Ruffalo, who directed a short documentary that tells the story of Diane and Paul Cotter as they grapple with the effects of long-term exposure to PFAS chemicals in firefighting gear.

“We are incredibly proud and grateful for this righteous passing of Senator Moore’s bill to protect firefighters,” said Diane and Lieutenant Paul Cotter. “Since 2018 we’ve witnessed Senator Moore stand toe to toe against industry in three sessions of this bill. Every session was arduous but our firefighters from PFFM and the many lawmakers on both sides of the aisle held the line today for the fire community.”

"Thank you to Senator Michael Moore, Senator Julian Cyr, Ways and Means Chair Michael Rodrigues and the entire state senate who voted unanimously to remove toxic chemicals from our turnout gear, hold manufacturers accountable, and ultimately protect the health of the firefighters that serve this state," said Rich MacKinnon, Jr., President of the Professional Fire Fighters of MA. "We have worked for more than six years to pass a bill that bans PFAS chemicals, and today we are one step closer. The PFFM calls on the House to also pass this vital legislation so that it can go to the Governor's desk and hopefully be signed into law before we lose another firefighter."

Having been approved by the Senate, the bill will now go to the House for consideration before it can be sent to the Governor’s desk for her signature.


Senate Acts to Protect First Responders Permanently Injured in the Line of Duty

(BOSTON 7/29/2024) – Last week, the Massachusetts Senate unanimously passed legislation to ensure that first responders who are permanently injured by violent acts in the line of duty receive their full regular compensation until they reach retirement age. S.2887, An Act relative to disability pensions and critical incident stress management for violent crimes, enshrines into law financial security for first responders and their families after a critical or life-threatening injury occurs while serving their state, county, city, or town.

 “First responders put their lives on the line each and every day in service of their communities,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “We owe it to these brave men and women to guarantee that they and their families will be taken care of if anything were to happen to them in the line of duty – I’m pleased to have voted for a bill that does just that. I’d like to thank Senator Friedman for taking the lead on this important legislation and to all my colleagues for unanimously passing it.”

“The push for authorizing full disability pensions for first responders violently injured on duty dates back to my time working with and for my predecessor, Senator Ken Donnelly,” said Senator Cindy F. Friedman (D-Arlington), Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. “As a former firefighter, there was no bigger advocate of honoring the service and sacrifice of Massachusetts’ first responders than Ken, and I am honored to have been able to play a role in getting this bill through the Senate, further cementing Ken’s incredible legacy. This legislation will change the lives of first responders and their families in the Commonwealth who have had to suffer through tremendous hardship.”

The legislation authorizes any employee considered a member-in-service of a retirement board to be eligible for accidental disability retirement if they sustain a catastrophic, life-threatening, or life-altering and permanent bodily injury, and are no longer able to perform their duties. Retirement boards would review evidence deemed appropriate, such as a medical panel finding that the member is physically unable to perform the essential duties of their job due to a violent act injury, and that this inability is likely to be permanent.

The bill also requires that following any incident involving exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence, a member must receive notice of critical incident stress management debriefing programs. This provision ensures that first responders have access to the mental health support they need after traumatic events.

Having previously been passed by the House, the bill will need one more enacting vote in each branch before being sent to the Governor for her consideration.


Massachusetts Legislature Passes Pay Equity Legislation

(BOSTON 7/29/2024) – Last week, the Massachusetts Legislature took a powerful step towards closing the gender and racial wage gap in the Commonwealth by passing An Act relative to salary range transparency. The legislation requires employers with 25 or more employees to disclose a salary range when posting a position and protects an employee’s right to ask their employer for the salary range for their position when applying for a job or seeking a promotion.

When signed into law, H.4890 would make Massachusetts the eleventh state to mandate pay transparency by requiring employers to disclose salary ranges, according to the National Women’s Law Center. H.4890 builds on the Legislature’s 2016 passage of the Massachusetts Equal Pay Act, which prohibited wage discrimination based on gender and brought long-sought fairness and equality to workplaces in the state.

“Salary transparency is key to ensuring employees are getting fair and equal compensation for their work,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “Requiring employers include salary ranges in job listings will allow employees to better understand what their colleagues and peers are being paid – critically important when negotiating compensation. I’m proud that the Legislature is once again stepping up to close the gender and racial pay gap, and I look forward to seeing this bill get signed into law.”

Having passed both chambers, the bill now goes to Governor Maura Healey’s desk for her signature.


Senate Acts on Supplemental Budget Funding Human Services, Childcare, Hospitals

(BOSTON 7/25/2024) – The Massachusetts Senate yesterday passed a supplemental budget directing funding to childcare assistance, community services, and workforce initiatives vital to the wellbeing of Massachusetts residents. The legislation directs funding to deficiencies outlined by the Healey-Driscoll Administration and makes numerous clarifications to state policies to cut red tape and create efficiencies in state government.

“This supplemental budget provides essential funding for services that touch the lives of nearly every Bay Stater – supporting child care, expanding health care, fighting hunger, and more,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “Investments like these help keep Massachusetts a leader amongst its peers in the United States. I’m pleased to have voted to approve this legislation, and I’m thankful to my colleagues in the Senate for acting swiftly to fill the gaps in these important systems.

The legislation appropriates $432 million in funding from Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations that would be made available through Fiscal Year 2025. It directs $228 million in funding for the American Rescue Plan Act Home and Community Based Services (ARPA HCBS) Reserve to promote innovative services that enhance the quality of life and independence of people in their home and community, an investment that comes at no net cost to the state.

It includes $61 million for a critical health and human services and workforce reserve to cover projected deficiencies in Fiscal Year 2024 related to the continued need for direct care staffing to respond to health needs in nursing homes, group care settings, state hospitals, and veterans’ homes, as well as other patient health and safety supports. It also includes $45 million in financial assistance for fiscally strained hospitals and $25 million in assistance to fiscally strained community centers, supporting the state’s most stressed providers serving high-need areas.

Additional investments include:

  • $29.7 million in early education and care subsidies to ensure that providers are able to maintain access for all income-eligible families in need of child care.

  • $20.0 million for services to victims of crime, known as the ‘VOCA bridge.’

  • $5.6 million for tax abatements for veterans, widows, blind persons and the elderly.

  • $5.1 million to support increased demand for the Healthy Incentives Program (HIP), which provides fresh, healthy food options and supports our local growers.

  • $2.8 million for the Elections Division of the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

  • $2.1 million to be used for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) nutrition services to fully support the current caseload of recipients

The legislation includes changes and clarifications to policy, including:

  • Permitting the Operational Services Division (OSD) to procure both electric vehicles and charging equipment on one contract, an efficiency that will help the state reach its climate goals.

  • Increasing the amount that the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) is able to contract with utility vendors for energy conservation projects from $300,000 to $500,000, enhancing the division’s ability to support the state in reaching its climate goals.

  • Adding tribes as eligible entities to receive funding through the broadband municipal grant program.

  • Providing flexibility on the use of ARPA funds for local boards of health.

  • Allowing the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) to enter into new long-term leases of up to 30 years for the operations of ice rinks.

The legislation passed the Senate by a vote of 38-1.

A previous version of this bill having passed the House of Representatives, the two branches will now reconcile the differences between the bills before sending a compromise bill to the Governor’s desk


Senate Acts to Invest in Cybersecurity, Online Accessibility, New Technology

(BOSTON 7/25/2024) – Yesterday, the Massachusetts Legislature enacted the FutureTech Act, taking action on a $1.26 billion bond authorization to modernize the Commonwealth’s digital infrastructure and create safer and more accessible experiences for residents and employees alike.

Funding and projects included in H.4889, An Act to provide for the future information technology needs of Massachusetts, would allow state agencies to deliver services more efficiently to residents, enhance cybersecurity on statewide platforms, and broaden access to services used by hundreds of thousands of residents statewide. The bill would also invest in emerging technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) and create a fund to secure anticipated federal funding to bolster health and human services-related projects.

“It is difficult to avoid digital systems when interacting with government in the modern era. We owe it to the people of Massachusetts to ensure those systems are easy to navigate while also maintaining the highest levels of security against cybercriminals and other bad actors,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “I’m pleased to see investments be made to update our digital infrastructure like those in the FutureTech Act. As we keep an eye to the future, I am hopeful that we can pair important investments like these with high cybersecurity standards like those established by the Cybersecurity and AI bill my committee advanced late last year.”

During Senate debate, Senator Michael Moore secured two amendments to the FutureTech Act, both of which were included in the final bill. The first provision authorizes five $50,000 bonds to each of the towns of Auburn, Grafton, Millbury, Shrewsbury, and Westborough to fund information technology infrastructure modernization. The second provision authorizes a $250,000 bond to allow the Worcester Police Department to purchase equipment to access the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN). The NIBIN provides law enforcement partners at all levels of government with an automated ballistic imaging network that can match ballistics evidence with other cases across the nation. This process can also help reveal previously hidden connections between violent crimes in different communities and states.

The FutureTech Act lays a foundation for technology innovation in the Commonwealth by implementing transformative projects like the Business Enterprise Systems Transformation (BEST) and the Commonwealth Digital Roadmap, both of which would be targeted at streamlining state operations and making essential government services quicker and more efficient.

It would support a new project to consolidate and modernize the Division of Occupational Licensing’s (DOL) licensing database, which currently relies on outdated infrastructure, paper files, and manual data entry. Once full implemented, new systems will accelerate licensing and renewals.

The bill also includes authorizations to continue investments for the Employment Modernization Transformation (EMT) rollout, which will provide employers and those seeking unemployment insurance with a new portal to manage unemployment insurance claims. With phase one already rolled out, future improvements will include easier uploads, a mobile-friendly design, and enhanced accessibility features.

The FutureTech Act builds on Massachusetts’ longstanding leadership in emerging technology by allocating funds for future AI projects and supporting initiatives like the Municipal Fiber Grant Program, which boosts innovation and extends efficiencies to cities and towns.

Having passed both branches of the Legislature, the legislation will now be sent to the Governor’s desk for her signature.


Legislature Passes Fiscal Year 2025 Budget

(BOSTON – 7/24/2024) Last week, the Legislature enacted a $58 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25), resolving differences between the versions of the budget passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate earlier this year. The FY25 conference committee report maintains fiscal responsibility while delivering historic levels of investment at every level of education, transportation, regional equity, workforce development and health care, reflecting the Legislature’s ongoing commitment to delivering on affordability for residents and economic competitiveness for the Commonwealth.

“Every budget is an opportunity to direct investments into local priorities, regional initiatives, and statewide programs that will make a material difference in the lives of everyday Bay Staters,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “With an eye toward extending opportunity and improving affordability, the FY25 budget makes historic investments into the Commonwealth’s world-class education system, expands our critical mental health services, advances our affordable housing goals, and more, all while providing local support for cities and towns across Massachusetts. I’m also pleased to share that I secured 14 earmarks, including funds for each and every community in the Second Worcester District. I am proud of the work the Legislature has done on this budget, and I look forward to seeing these funds go to work in the coming year.”

As the Commonwealth adjusts to a changing economic landscape and ongoing tax revenue volatility, the FY25 budget adheres to disciplined and responsible fiscal stewardship. It does not raise taxes, nor does it draw down available reserves from the stabilization fund or the transitional escrow fund, while at the same time judicially utilizing one-time resources to maintain balance. The FY25 budget continues responsible and sustainable fiscal planning for the future by continuing to grow the Rainy Day Fund, already at a historic high of over $8 billion, to an anticipated balance of roughly $9 billion at the close of FY25.

Amendments and earmarks to the FY25 budget secured by Senator Moore include:


  • Biodiversity Trust Fund – creates a Biodiversity Trust Fund to support efforts of the Department of Fish and Game to protect biodiversity and natural systems by purchasing land, managing habitats, restoring ecosystems, and more.

  • Inland Fisheries and Game Reimbursement – requires that the George L. Darey inland fisheries and game fund be reimbursed for all losses of revenue for any license provided for free or at a discount.


  • $50,000 for Pyrrhotite Testing Reimbursement to cover the costs associated with testing for the presence of pyrrhotite in the foundations of local homes. This funding was secured in collaboration with Senators Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton) and Peter Durant (R-Spencer).

  • $50,000 for Flint Pond Patrols to increase public safety and reduce public nuisance around the Flint Pond area of Lake Quinsigamond.

  • $44,000 to Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School for the purchase and installation of new HVAC units. $20,000 of this funding was provided by Senator Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton).


  • $44,000 to purchase and install a backup repeater and related equipment to improve emergency communication capabilities in Auburn.


  • $50,000 for the removal of invasive plants in Grafton to protect local ecosystems.


  • $32,000 to the Millbury Police for improvements and equipment for the police station.


  • $25,000 for code reviews and building assessments in the town of Shrewsbury.

  • $25,000 for Maple Avenue Park in Shrewsbury for general improvements.


  • $57,000 for the Westborough Fire Department to purchase updated safety gear and equipment.


  • $250,000 to EcoTarium Zoological Park in Worcester for the care of its animals, its community education programming, and to support capital improvements to animal habitats.

  • $50,000 to CENTRO Food Pantry to support the operation of its food pantry program.

  • $50,000 for tree replanting in Worcester to improve streetscapes and reduce heat island effects.

  • $50,000 to Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce for the operation of their Worcester Green Corps program.

  • $26,000 to Worcester Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) to support efforts to provide legal representation for children during legal proceedings.


Fair Share Investments to Grow Our Economy

Consistent with the consensus revenue agreement reached with the Healey-Driscoll Administration in January, the FY25 budget includes $1.3 billion in revenues generated from the Fair Share surtax of four percent on annual income above $1 million and invests these public dollars to improve the state’s education and transportation sectors.

Notable Fair Share education and transportation investment highlights include:

Education: 59% of Fair Share Revenues

  • $170 million to fully fund universal free school meals programming for every public-school student in the Commonwealth. 

  • $175 million for the Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) program to provide monthly grants to early education and care programs, which is matched with $300 million in funds from the new Early Education and Care Operational Grant Fund and the High-Quality Early Education and Care Affordability Fund for a total investment of $475 million. 

  • $117.5 million for MassEducate to provide free community college across the Commonwealth. 

  • $80 million to expand financial aid programs for in-state students attending state universities through MASSGrant Plus, which is in addition to the $175.9 million for scholarships funded through the General Fund.

  • $65 million for early education and care provider rate increases, to increase salaries for our early educators.

  • $20 million for early literacy initiatives.

  • $14 million for grants to State Universities to provide wraparound supports and services.

  • $5 million for the CPPI Pre-K Initiative, matching $17.5 million in funds from the general fund, for a total of $22.5 million to support the expansion of universal pre-kindergarten, including in Gateway Cities.

Transportation: 41% of Fair Share Revenues

  • $250 million for the Commonwealth Transportation Fund (CTF), which will leverage additional borrowing capacity of the CTF and increase investments in transportation infrastructure by $1.1 billion over the next 5 years. This $250 million includes: 

    • $127 million to double operating support for the MBTA. 

    • $63 million in debt service to leverage additional borrowing capacity. 

    • $60 million in operating support for MassDOT. 

  • $60 million for MBTA capital investments, including $10 million for resilient rail services.

  • $36 million for the MBTA workforce safety reserve.

  • $10 million for the MBTA Academy.

  • $45 million for roads and bridges supplemental aid for cities and towns.

  • $110 million for regional transit funding and grants to support the work of Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) that serve the Commonwealth, which together with general fund spending funds RTA operations at $204 million.  Fair Share funding includes: 

    • $66 million in direct operating support for Regional Transit Authorities. 

    • $30 million for systemwide implementation of fare-free transit service. 

    • $10 million to incentivize connections between regional transit routes. 

    • $4 million to support expanded mobility options for the elderly and people with disabilities. 

  • $20 million to support implementation of a low-income fare relief program at the MBTA.  

  • $7.5 million for water transportation funding and operational assistance for ferry services.  


Education: Early Education and Care, K-12 and Higher Education

The FY25 budget supports students across the full spectrum of the Commonwealth’s education system, shaping polices to make high-quality education more accessible and by making significant investments in the education system, from our youngest learners to adults.

To create a new funding source for EEC initiatives, the budget allows the Massachusetts Lottery to sell its products online. A portion of the new revenue collected from online lottery sales, estimated to be $100 million in FY25, would fund C3 grants, which provide long-term stability for high-quality and affordable care for families.

The budget report delivers significant levels of investment in education, including:

  • $6.9 billion in Chapter 70 funding, an increase of $317 million over FY24, as well as increasing minimum Chapter 70 aid from $30 to $104 per pupil, delivering an additional $37 million in resources to school districts across the state.

  • Over $1.55 billion investment in the early education and care sector, including:

    • $475 million for the Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) grants.

    • FY25 is the second fiscal year in a row which the annual state budget includes a full year of funding for C3 grants, signaling a historic commitment to maintain this crucial lifeline for our early education and care sector.

    • The FY25 budget also makes the C3 program permanent, while including provisions to direct more funds from the C3 program to early education and programs that serve children receiving childcare subsidies from the state and youth with high needs.

  • $117.5 million for free community college across the Commonwealth, covering tuition and fees for students.

  • $493.2 million for the special education (SPED) circuit breaker.

  • $99.5 million to reimburse school districts for regional school transportation costs, representing an 85 per cent reimbursement rate.

  • $18.5 million for Head Start grants.

  • $16 million for rural school aid assistance.

  • $6 million for Social Emotional Learning Grants to help K-12 schools continue to bolster social emotional learning supports for students, including $1 million to provide mental health screenings for K-12 students.

  • $5 million for grants to support implementation of the Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Higher Education law, including $3 million for grants offered through the Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment initiative to help high school students with intellectual disabilities ages 18–22 access higher education opportunities; and $2 million for the Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Trust Fund.

  • $3 million for genocide education grants to facilitate teaching students the history of genocide.

  • $1 million for hate crimes prevention grants to support the prevention of hate crimes in public schools.

The FY25 budget codifies several provisions that transforms the early education sector by improving affordability and access for families, increasing pay for early educators, and ensuring the sustainability and quality of early education and care programs.

In K-12 education, the FY25 budget follows through on the Legislature’s commitment to fully fund and implement the Student Opportunity Act (SOA) by Fiscal Year 2027, investing $6.9 billion in Chapter 70 funding, an increase of $319 million over FY24, as well as increasing minimum Chapter 70 aid from $30 to $104 per pupil, delivering an additional $37 million in resources to school districts across the state. With these investments, the Legislatures continues to provide crucial support to school districts confronting the increasing cost pressures that come with delivering high-quality education to all students.

In addition to the record levels of investment in early education and K-12, the FY25 budget removes barriers to accessing public higher education by codifying into law MassEducate, a $117.5 million investment in universal free community college program that covers tuition and fees for residents, aimed at supporting economic opportunity, workforce development, and opening the door to higher education for people who may never have had access. The FY25 budget permanently enshrines free community college into law in an affordable and sustainable manner across the Commonwealth, while leaving no federal dollars on the table.


Health, Mental Health and Family Care

Investments in the FY25 budget allow more than two million people to receive continued access to affordable and comprehensive health care services. Health care investments include:

  • $20.36 billion for MassHealth, representing the largest investment made in the state budget.

  • $2.9 billion for a range of services and focused supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

  • $622.4 million for Department of Mental Health (DMH) adult support services.

  • $625 million for nursing facility Medicaid rates, including $40 million in additional base rate payments to maintain competitive wages in the Commonwealth’s nursing facility workforce.

  • $390 million for Chapter 257 rates to support direct-care providers across the continuum of care.

  • $212.7 million for a complete range of substance use disorder treatment and intervention services.

  • $131.4 million for children’s mental health services.

  • $33.8 million for Family Resource Centers to grow and improve the mental health resources and programming available to families.

  • $30.9 million for Early Intervention services, ensuring supports remain accessible and available to infants and young toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities.

  • $29.6 million for grants to local Councils on Aging to increase assistance per elder to $15 from $14 in FY 2024.

  • $27.9 million for family and adolescent health, including $9.2 million for comprehensive family planning services and $6.7 million to enhance federal Title X family planning funding.

  • $20 million to recapitalize the Behavioral Health, Access, Outreach and Support Trust Fund to support targeted behavioral health initiatives.

  • $14.7 million for maternal and child health, including $10.4 million for pediatric palliative care services for terminally ill children and a policy adjustment to ensure that children up to age 22 can continue to be served through the program.

  • $5.5 million for Children Advocacy Centers to provide critical supports available to children that have been neglected or sexually abused.

  • $2 million for grants for improvements in reproductive health access, infrastructure, and safety.

The FY25 budget, for the first time in Massachusetts’ history, allows an individual to be identified with a non-binary ‘X’ sex designation on their birth certificate and enshrine into law the current practice of allowing an individual to select a non-binary ‘X’ gender designation on their driver’s license. This step ensures that all residents—including trans and nonbinary people—can secure government documents that accurately reflect who they are.

Additionally, the FY25 budget recognizes that the cost of fertility preservation should not be a barrier to starting a family for Massachusetts residents with cancer or other serious medical conditions. It therefore requires health insurance carriers to cover fertility preservation treatments for individuals who have a medical diagnosis or who are going through medical treatments that may impact fertility. It also includes coverage for the procurement, cryopreservation, and storage of gametes, embryos, or other reproductive tissue.



The FY25 budget invests $1.15 billion in housing, dedicating resources for housing stability, residential assistance, emergency shelter services, and homelessness assistance programs, ensuring the state deploys a humane, responsible, and sustainable approach to providing families and individuals in need with an access point to secure housing.

The budget prioritizes relief for families and individuals who continue to face challenges brought on by the pandemic and financial insecurity, including $326.1million for Emergency Assistance Family Shelters, in addition to the $175 million in resources passed in the recent supplemental budget, to place the Commonwealth’s shelter system on a fiscal glidepath into FY25. Housing investments include:

  • $231.7 million for the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP), including $12.5 million in funds carried forward from FY24. 

  • $197.4 million for Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT).

  • $113 million for assistance to local housing authorities.

  • $110.8 million for assistance for individuals experiencing homelessness.

  • $57.3 million for the HomeBASE program.

  • $27 million for the Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP), including $10.7 million in funds carried forward from FY24, to provide rental assistance to people with disabilities.

  • $10.5 million for assistance for unaccompanied homeless youth.

  • $10.5 million for Housing Consumer Education Centers (HCECs).

  • $8.9 million for sponsor-based supportive permanent housing.

  • $8.9 million for the Home and Healthy for Good re-housing and supportive services program, including funding to support homeless LGBTQ+ youth.

The FY25 budget includes important consumer protections, including ending the practice of home equity theft, a practice where cities, towns, and even private companies can foreclose on a home for taxes owed, sell it, and pocket the profits. With this crucial step, the Legislature strikes a balance to ensure equity is returned to homeowners and taxpayers, while municipalities will be made a whole and protected moving forward.


Expanding and Protecting Economic Opportunities

The budget includes a record investment in the annual child’s clothing allowance, providing $500 per child for eligible families to buy clothes for the upcoming school year. The budget also includes a 10 per cent increase to Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) and Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC) benefit levels compared to June 2024. Other economic opportunity investments include:

  • $496.2 million for Transitional Assistance to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) and $183.2 million for Emergency Aid to Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC) to provide the necessary support as caseloads increase, and continue the Deep Poverty increases.

  • $59.8 million for adult basic education services to improve access to skills necessary to join the workforce.

  • $42.4 million for the Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program.

  • $15 million in Healthy Incentives Programs to maintain access to healthy food options for households in need.

  • $10.4 million for Career Technical Institutes to increase our skilled worker population and provide residents access to career technical training opportunities.

  • $10 million for the Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund to connect unemployed and under-employed workers with higher paying jobs.

  • $10 million for a community empowerment and reinvestment grant program to provide economic support to communities disproportionately impacted by the criminal justice system.

  • $5.4 million for the Innovation Pathways program to continue to connect students to training and post-secondary opportunities in STEM fields.


Community Support

The FY25 budget further demonstrates the Legislature’s commitment to partnerships between the state and municipalities, dedicating meaningful resources that touch all regions and meet the needs of communities across the Commonwealth. This includes $1.3 billion in funding for Unrestricted General Government Aid (UGGA), an increase of $38 million over FY24, to support additional resources for cities and towns.

In addition to traditional sources of local aid, the FY25 budget includes the following local and regional equity investments:

  • $204 million for Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) to support regional public transportation systems, including $110 million from Fair Share funds to support our RTAs that help to connect all regions of our Commonwealth.

  • $53 million for payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT) for state-owned land, an increase of $1.5 million over FY24. PILOT funding is an additional source of supplemental local aid for cities and towns working to protect and improve access to essential services and programs during recovery from the pandemic.

  • $52.4 million for libraries, including $19 million for regional library local aid, $20 million for municipal libraries and $6.2 million for technology and automated resource networks.

  • $26.9 million for the Massachusetts Cultural Council to support local arts, culture, and creative economic initiatives.


Having passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, the FY25 budget now moves to the Governor’s desk for her consideration.


Massachusetts Legislature Passes Firearm Safety Reform Bill

(BOSTON 7/22/2024) — The Massachusetts Legislature last week passed a firearm safety reform bill that cracks down on the sale of ghost guns, strengthens the Commonwealth’s red flag laws, updates the definition of assault-style firearms, and limits the carrying of guns into polling places and government buildings while updating our current prohibition of guns in schools to include school transport.

“Massachusetts has a long legacy of common-sense gun safety laws – laws that have resulted in the Commonwealth having one of the lowest gun death rates in the nation,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “I’m pleased that the Legislature is acting to update these regulations and react to the rapidly changing modern landscape of firearm availability, modifiable accessories, and technological advancements. This legislation will help make sure we can protect our communities from gun violence without infringing the right to bear arms for law-abiding gun owners.”

Following the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, the Massachusetts Legislature acted quickly to patch areas in the Commonwealth’s framework governing the issuance of licenses to carry firearms, which were undone by the Supreme Court’s actions. The bill passed last week is a result of a comprehensive review of the Commonwealth’s gun laws, with the goal of proposing solutions to emerging threats in technology, such as the prevalence of ghost guns.

During debate, Senator Moore secured an amendment that aligns the definition of a ‘silencer’ with the federal definition, broadening Massachusetts’ silencer ban to include devices that are sold for the sole purpose of being easily modified into firearm silencers. These devices are often marketed as things such as fuel filters and solvent traps. This amendment was passed with the support of Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell.

Other major provisions of the bill include:

Stemming Illegal Firearm Flow. This bill provides tools for law enforcement to target illegal gun trafficking by including an enhanced tracing system to track firearms used in crimes, modernizing the existing firearm registration system, and increasing the availability of firearm data for academic and policy use. The bill also enhances requirements for reporting lost, stolen and surrendered firearms.

Protecting Communities from Gun Violence. The legislation criminalizes discharging firearms at or near dwellings. It also prohibits the carrying of firearms on school busses, polling places, and government buildings with an exemption for law enforcement.

Additionally, the bill standardizes training requirements for individuals seeking a license to carry and will now require live firearm training. The bill also expands the list of who may petition a court for an extreme risk protection order (ERPO) against a person who poses a risk of causing bodily injury to themselves or others beyond just household members and law enforcement, to include school administrators and medical professionals. It creates a special legislative commission to study and make recommendations to improve the Commonwealth’s funding structure for violence prevention services and begins the process of directing the Massachusetts Secretary of Health and Human Services to seek federal reimbursement for violence prevention programs.

Modernizing Massachusetts Firearm Laws. The bill ensures that Massachusetts laws remain in compliance with the Bruen decision and provides standardization to our laws and the process of obtaining a license to carry a firearm for responsible individuals. The legislation also updates how we define assault-style firearms and places new restrictions on large capacity feeding devices that are currently owned. It closes loopholes that allow the modification of legal firearms into illegal automatic weapons and provides a legacy clause so all firearms legally owned and registered in Massachusetts as of the effective date of the bill will continue to be legal and may be bought and sold within the state.

Between 2019 to 2021, the Boston Police Department alone saw a 280 percent increase in the number of untraceable ghost guns it recovered on the streets. The bill passed last week tackles this rise in untraceable guns by requiring the registration and serialization of frames and receivers and updates our definition of firearm to include unfinished frames and receivers.

Having passed both chambers, An Act modernizing firearm laws now goes to the Governor’s desk for her signature.
