Letter: Worcester Senators Request Special Investigation into State Police Academy Death

Dear Attorney General Campbell:

We write to request the appointment of a conflict-of-interest Special Assistant Attorney General (“Conflict SAAG”) to investigate the circumstances around the tragic death of Worcester resident Enrique Delgado-Garcia. According to media reports, Enrique stated that he was subject to hazing and harassment at the State Police Academy. This demands a comprehensive and independent investigation – and only a fully empowered Conflict SAAG can deliver that investigation. This incident is the latest in long series of issues for the State Police. We strongly encourage you to empower the Conflict SAAG to investigate not only this situation but also to investigate any additional matters that may arise directly from their investigation.

In addition, the Conflict SAAG should be authorized to issue and enforce compulsory legal process for documents and testimony and prosecute state crimes arising from their investigation. Moreover, the Conflict SAAG should be authorized to refer matters to, and coordinate with, federal officials.

Finally, the Conflict SAAG should be required to issue a public report at the conclusion of their investigation along with any recommendations for changes to policies, procedures, practices and culture at the State Police, including any changes to state law or regulations.

We acknowledge that an independent investigation into the Commonwealth’s State Police is a major development, but the recent history of the State Police, other allegations of harassment at the State Police Academy and this incident warrant this response.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.


Senator Michael O. Moore, Second Worcester District

Senator Robyn K. Kennedy, First Worcester District

Senator Peter J. Durant, Worcester and Hampshire District