Legislation would convey certain Glavin Center parcels to Town, Nonprofit
BOSTON – Senator Michael O. Moore (D-Millbury) and Representative Hannah E. Kane (R-Shrewsbury) announced that a home rule petition endorsed by Shrewsbury Town Meeting Members earlier this year has received a favorable report and recommendation by the Legislature’s Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.
If enacted, the legislation would convey several parcels of state land that are part of the Irving A. Glavin Center property located off Lake Street. The bill provides a long-term approach to supporting recreational efforts undertaken by Shrewsbury Youth Soccer, and for municipal purposes such as the potential site for the new public elementary school.
“This legislation is about promoting open space, recreational and agricultural opportunities in the Town of Shrewsbury,” said Senator Moore. “I’m proud to work with Representative Kane to advance this local legislation which has been identified as a priority by Shrewsbury residents.”
“Senator Moore and I are working together to expedite this priority legislation for the Town of Shrewsbury given the time constraints necessary to consider this site for the new K-4 elementary school being contemplated. We are grateful to our colleagues who have helped move this bill along in the legislative process so far,” stated Representative Kane.
“The passage of this bill will bring us a step closer to preserving valuable open space, preserve agriculture land producing locally grown produce and assist the town in creating an open space corridor as well as obtaining a valuable piece of property for municipal purposes," said Kristen D. Las, Shrewsbury Assistant Town Manager.
In particular, the legislation conveys approximately 15 acres of land to Shrewsbury Youth Soccer, a local nonprofit that has already invested $800,000 to update and maintain the property under an existing lease. A second parcel of 54 acres would be transferred to the Town of Shrewsbury for recreational and agricultural purposes. Lastly, the third parcel of about 20 acres would be transferred to the Town with a municipal use restriction. This parcel is currently being considered for the construction of the community’s newest K-4 elementary school which would provide space for nearly 800 students.
Earlier this month, Senator Moore, Representative Kane and Town Officials submitted written testimony to the Joint Committee in support of the legislation during a public hearing. To continue tracking the legislation, H.4240, please visit the Legislature’s website by clicking below.