Senator Moore is Appointed to the Commonwealth’s Task Force on Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Surveys

(Boston – 09/15/2021) Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury) is pleased to announce that today he was appointed to the Commonwealth’s Task Force on Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Surveys. He was sworn in this afternoon by the Governor’s Office of Boards and Commissions. The task force will be Co-Chaired by the Department of Higher Education (DHE) and the Department of Public Health (DPH).

“Ensuring the safety of students on college campuses throughout the Commonwealth has always been one of my main priorities,” said Senator Moore. “I am both proud and honored to be appointed to this task force and I remain committed to these efforts as we look to make Massachusetts a nationwide leader in responding to and preventing sexual misconduct at higher education institutions.”

The task force is composed of 27 individuals who will be responsible for developing model questions that will be used in mandated sexual misconduct climate surveys. These surveys will need to be conducted every four years at public and private colleges and universities in Massachusetts.

The task force itself has been formed as a result of Senator Moore’s legislation, An Act relative to sexual violence on higher education campuses, which was signed into law this past January as Chapter 337 of the Acts of 2020. This is a nation leading piece of legislation that creates the proper framework for higher education campuses to identify, prevent and respond to incidents of sexual misconduct.