Senate Passes General Government Bond Bill

(BOSTON – 06/16/2022) The Massachusetts State Senate on Thursday passed a $5.07 billion general government bond bill to authorize funds for construction projects related to health care, higher education, information technology, workforce development, the environment, affordable housing, and more. The bill also includes a moratorium on the construction of new prisons in Massachusetts. 

“This legislation takes the first steps in the process of authorizing the Governor to appropriate funding directly to towns and cities for critical infrastructure projects,” Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury) said. “I am proud to announce that, on top of the enormous investments in buildings, infrastructure, and cybersecurity already included in the bill, I was able to pass amendments for projects in three towns in the Second Worcester District.”

The projects authorized for funding in the bond bill by Senator Moore’s amendments are:

Worcester – $1 million to contribute toward modernizing and installing door access controls in government owned buildings to improve security

Shrewsbury – $1 million to contribute toward expanding the town cemetery

Auburn – $500,000 to contribute toward replacing generators at the town’s 5 largest pump stations

The bill would provide funding for construction costs related to a wide variety of public facilities— including state universities and community colleges, hospitals and courts. Funding in this legislation includes:

·       $820 million for the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to acquire, maintain and repair Commonwealth owned health care facilities

·       $750 million for improvements and repairs at state institutions of higher education

·       $675 million for improvements to court facilities

·       $530 million for additional safety improvements, maintenance and repairs by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, to state institutions, including Bridgewater State Hospital

·       $100 million in grants to support municipalities in addressing local construction needs

Additionally, the bill allocates $975 million for general state agency facility acquisition, maintenance and repair.

The general government bond bill also includes funding to address the uneven impact of climate change on Massachusetts communities, with $400 million being allocated to projects to decarbonize and reduce the environmental impact of state-owned facilities. Furthermore, the bill includes $64 million for the Water Pollution Abatement Revolving fund, which provides local governments and utilities with grants to build or replace water infrastructure and ensure safe and renewable sources of drinking water.

The bill includes grants to address needs related to workforce development and technical expertise for start-ups. In light of the need for Massachusetts to maintain a robust workforce prepared to meet the needs of a variety of cutting-edge industries, the general government bond bill allocates $100 million for career technical skills and capital grants. The bill also includes $16.1 million for grants to innovative early-stage entrepreneurs through the Massachusetts Technology Development Corporation.

Housing-related items in the bill include $60 million for the Housing Stabilization and Investment Trust Fund, which supports affordable rental housing production and rehabilitation, and $25 million for grants to support cities and towns that are producing new housing.

Additional funding in the bill includes:

·       $100 million to update information technology used by state agencies, including investments to support the educational workforce and to modernize the state’s unemployment system

·       $51 million for the Food Security program, to fight food insecurity

·       $50 million for the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund, to support cultural institutions throughout the Commonwealth

·       $20 million to support cities and towns offering hybrid meetings through technology investment grants

A total of $98.9 million was added to the bill during course of debate.

Notably, the bill also includes a five-year moratorium on the construction of new prison facilities in Massachusetts. During this time, the state would not plan or construct new prisons, and active prisons would not be expanded and could only be renovated in such a way that does not increase the state’s overall prison capacity. Records of inmate populations have shown that Massachusetts prisons are currently at historically low levels and well below maximum capacity.

A version of this legislation having previously passed in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, the legislation now goes to the House for further consideration.
