Healey-Driscoll Administration Awards $600,000 in Grants to Assist Local Communities in Meeting Sewage Notification Requirements

(BOSTON – 04/27/2023) To celebrate Earth Week, the Healey-Driscoll Administration last week announced that $600,000 in grants have been awarded to 10 regional or municipal wastewater utilities and systems across Massachusetts. This grant program is the first to help local communities meet new requirements to notify the public of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) – which are sewage discharges and untreated stormwater and wastewater – into the surface waters of the Commonwealth. The projects, selected by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), were awarded to the Worcester Department of Public Works and Parks, the City of Cambridge Department of Public Works, the City of Chelsea, the City of Fitchburg Wastewater Division, the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD), the City of Holyoke, the City of Lowell, the Lynn Water & Sewer Commission (LWSC), the City of Pittsfield, and the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission.

The funding awarded today will enable regional or municipal wastewater utilities and systems in Massachusetts to expand their efforts to meet the Sewage Notification regulation requirements to notify the public of sewage discharges and overflows to protect and preserve public health. There are more than 240 Massachusetts municipalities subject to the current regulations that took effect on July 6, 2022.

“Those living near Lake Quinsigamond in Worcester know better than most how critical sewage pollution notifications are,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “This grant, awarded to Worcester Department of Public Works and Parks, will help ensure that when sewage discharges do happen, residents in nearby communities will be notified so that they can make informed decisions to protect their health.”

“It is important for the public to be informed about events that result in sewage pollution of surface waterbodies so that people can avoid the water when it may pose a health risk. These new notifications also help raise awareness of infrastructure limitations that result in Combined Sewer Overflows,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Rebecca Tepper. “This funding will enable wastewater utilities to expand their efforts to meet the sewage notification regulatory requirements to better inform the public of these events.”

Regulatory requirements that wastewater treatment plants and communities must meet include notifying the public of sewage discharge and overflow events, posting signage at public access points and making relevant information available online.   

“These new regulations have already helped the public become more aware of events that result in sewage pollution of surface water across the Commonwealth,” said MassDEP Commissioner Bonnie Heiple. “These grants will help wastewater utilities improve their public notification timeliness, accuracy, and reliability. The grants will also help utilities develop web interfaces and signage to inform the public across language barriers.”

The groups receiving funding are:

Worcester Department of Public Works & Parks – $40,000

The City of Worcester sought grant funding to design and install equipment to monitor and measure sewage flow that passes through its existing wet weather bypass conduit to the Blackstone River.

City of Fitchburg Wastewater Division – $71,800

The City of Fitchburg requested financial assistance for work conducted to meet the CSO notification requirements in fiscal year 2023, and upcoming work to be conducted in FY 2023.  Upcoming work includes the optimization and final implementation of the public notification system and the development of their Final CSO Notification Plan.  

City of Cambridge Department of Public Works – $34,000

The Cambridge Department of Public Works proposed to replace four unreliable battery-powered flow meters at CSO locations with new utility-powered flow meters. 

City of Lowell – $66,952

This project involves modernizing the city’s CSO metering equipment, purchasing signage, and upgrading Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) services to assist in the implementation of the CSO Notification Plan.

Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD) – $121,360

Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD) requested funding for work to upgrade the method of transmitting data from their 17 metering stations that detect CSOs. The new system utilizes cell phone and line-of-sight technology to transmit data from the remote stations to the main facility for constant monitoring. GLSD staff will subsequently be able to predict and respond to high flow conditions or, in some instances, anomalies that need further investigation.

Springfield Water and Sewer Commission – $70,982

The Commission sought grant funding to modernize and upgrade their public-facing Sewage Overflow Notification website, as well as pay for meter rentals, and professional consulting support for the annual update to the Collection System Hydraulic Model.

Lynn Water & Sewer Commission (LWSC) – $80,000

The LWSC proposed upgrading the CSO and Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) metering and notification capabilities to include automated real-time public notification system, with specific outreach and inclusion of Environmental Justice communities, as required by state law.

The City of Chelsea – $42,650

The City of Chelsea requested funding for a proposed project to design and install a flashing lights system to indicate when a CSO activation occurs while providing community education. This lighting system is designed to alert the public in a way that addresses language and literacy barriers.  

City of Holyoke – $64,039

The City of Holyoke requested funds for implementation of an electronic CSO notification system and translation services to translate notifications to Spanish, as well as signage with a remotely controlled alarm system at three public access points on the Connecticut River.  

City of Pittsfield – $8,216

The City of Pittsfield sought funds to reimburse efforts spent developing their SSO Public Notification Plan and develop a wet-weather hydraulic model of the wastewater collection system. 


For more information, please visit the Sewage Notification Assistance Grant Program page on MassDEP’s website.

MassDEP's mission is to protect and enhance the Commonwealth's natural resources - air, water, and land - to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of all people, and to ensure a clean and safe environment for future generations. In carrying out this mission MassDEP commits to address and advance environmental justice and equity for all people of the Commonwealth, to provide meaningful, inclusive opportunities for people to participate in agency decisions that affect their lives; and to ensure a diverse workforce that reflects the communities we serve.​
