Local Petition Would Impact Membership of Redevelopment Authority
BOSTON – Following a public hearing by the Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government, Senator Michael O. Moore (D-Millbury) and Representative Paul K. Frost (R-Auburn) announced that a local home rule petition for the Town of Millbury advanced to the next stage of the legislative process. The news came after the bill received a favorable report and recommendation by the Joint Committee.
Under existing law, the five-member Redevelopment Authority is comprised of four members elected by local residents and one member appointed by the Governor through the Department of Housing and Community Development. In many communities, this appointment has remained vacant for extended periods of time.
Leonard Mort, Chairman of the Millbury Redevelopment Authority, highlighted his concerns with the existing law in testimony submitted to the Joint Committee. “This has had a direct impact on our board’s ability to successfully conduct business,” said Mort. In particular, the local Redevelopment Authority has cited concerns about longstanding delays in state-level appointments which have caused issues over the years, especially with maintaining the required three-person quorum for public meetings.
The bill, H.1101, was jointly filed earlier this year by Sen. Moore and Rep. Frost pursuant to a Millbury Annual Town Meeting vote taken on May 3, 2016. The legislation would exempt the Millbury Redevelopment Authority from the existing law so that all of the five members are elected by local voters. The bill also establishes staggered five-year terms so that each year voters elect one member at the Annual Town Election.
The bill would go a step further than a statewide legislative change that was made to the law last year that would allow a local board of selectmen, or a city mayor with city council confirmation, to fill a vacancy lasting longer than 120 days for the state-appointed member.
“The Redevelopment Authority serves a critical role in governing local programs to spur economic and cultural growth,” said Sen. Moore, who happens to serve as Senate Chair of the Joint Committee that reviewed the bill. “I have heard from numerous board members about how the vacancies make it more difficult to conduct business and maintain a quorum for meetings. I look forward to continuing to advocate for the interests of the residents of my hometown of Millbury.”
Rep. Paul Frost commented, “Millbury is raising a valid issue before the State Legislature on whether or not a Governor’s appointee to a small community’s redevelopment authority is even necessary. In talking with Chairman Mort of the Millbury Redevelopment Authority regarding their experiences in delays by the previous Governor’s administration, I fully understand and support why this legislation is being requested. Mr. Mort has also raised concerns that good potential applicants have chosen not to apply for the Governor’s appointment due to onerous paperwork for a volunteer position, and these applicants would rather run for the office at a town election instead. This of course means the position goes unfilled and the authority is forced to conduct its work shorthanded. I’m pleased this bill was passed out of committee.”
To continue tracking the status of the bill through the legislative process, please visit the Legislature’s website by clicking below.