Senator Moore Writes Letter to the ATF in Support of Proposed Rule on the Definition of “Frame and Receiver”

Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury) has sent a letter to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in support of their proposed rule entitled Definition of “Frame or Receiver” and Identification of Firearms.

The proposed change to these definitions would clarify when a firearm parts kit can be considered a firearm, while also addressing the advancements in firearms technology. These new definitions would help stop the production of Ghost Guns.

“While I support the Second Amendment, ensuring the safety of everyone in our communities is of the utmost importance,” said Senator Moore. “Ghost guns are a threat to this safety as it allows firearms to be acquired without going through the necessary procedures, such as background checks. States and the federal government must create regulations that eradicate ghost guns while respecting the rights of our law-abiding citizens.”

Ghost guns are unregulated, unlicensed and untraceable firearms that can be bought by anyone, regardless of age or previous criminal activity. They are sold in kits or as separate pieces, allowing a person to assemble the weapon within their own home. This allows individuals to avoid background checks, red flag laws and other standards that are otherwise commonplace when purchasing a gun.

Ghost guns directly threaten the progress made by the Commonwealth and other states to establish reasonable restrictions on firearm ownership. While serving as the Chair of the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security, Senator Moore helped to advance bill S.1540 that would have prevented the sale and assembly of ghost guns in Massachusetts. While the advancement of this bill had to be put on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is considerable support for state action.
