Senator Moore Submits Resolution Commending the First Responders to the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol

(Boston – 08/09/2021) Senator Michael Moore has submitted a resolution to the Senate commending the United States Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia for their actions in protecting the United States Capitol during the January 6th attack.

“January 6th of this year was a dark day in our nation’s history,” said Senator Moore (D-Millbury). “The brave men and women of the Capitol Police and DC Police Department put their lives on the line to protect those within the walls of our nation’s Capital from an attack by fellow Americans. These events directly resulted in several officers losing their lives. These brave officers defended our democracy, the very cornerstone of freedom, and the foundation of the Government of the United States of America and I feel that it is only right that we recognize and commend these officers for their courageous actions.”

During the attack that took place, the Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department heroically defended the lives of the members of the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate, as well as their staff. Their actions were crucial in preserving democracy, the foundation of the United States Government.

Over 100 officers were injured during the events that took place on January 6th. Tragically, one officer died the following day and four took their own lives in the days that followed.  In addition to physical wounds, the emotional injuries sustained by the officers and their families will linger into the future.

The bravery displayed by the Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department, as well as their sacrifice, will be remembered for years to come. Through this resolution, the Massachusetts State Senate commends the Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department and extends gratitude to the officers.

